Qualified Instructors

You will meet our Professional and AWS Certified Instructors, when you attend our Training and Certification program.

World Class Certification

After attending the training program, make your historical step to accomplish the AWS Certification Exam. These will be your Global Passport that will take you to a Higher Level Standard in the IT Industry Worldwide.


The AWS training and Certification program will be conducted in 5th Floor, Innovation Room, Paska Sarjana Building, PENS Main Campus, Jl Raya ITS - Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia.

AWS Training Modules

TIMCorp Academy in collaboration with PENS, delivering easy and affordable AWS Training Module, with flexible schedule, bundled Training and Certification packaged at your choice.

About Us

TIMCorp-Academy is the services unit managed by TIM, in collaboration with PENS (Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya) delivering AWS training and certification program for students and IT professional who wants to learn and explore the sophisticated knowledge in Cloud Computing Technology. TIM is an official AWS Training Partner in Indonesia.

Our Vision & Mission: Provide easy and affordable access to the user and bring them to achieve the Global Industry Standard supported by AWS – the world Leader of Cloud Infrastructure provider.

Our Objective: Offering training and certification program by official AWS Authored instructor Virtually or Led in Person Classroom.

AWS Authorized Instructors

Online Registration

World Class Certification

Advisory Board
Amang Sudarsono, S.T., Ph.D
PENS Deputy Director Partnership and Technology
Moch. Zen Samsono Hadi, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D
PENS Head of Internet Engineering Technology Study Program
Winatalim S. Kom
Entrepreneur and Certified Instructor of PT TIM
Executive Team
Haniah Mahmuda ST., MT.
PIC Surabaya
Aditya Parama Hadi, S.Kom
PIC Jakarta